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Breast Reconstruction Surgery In Kukatpally, Hyderabad

Breast Reconstruction Surgery In Kukatpally, Hyderabad

Breasts are often seen as a symbol of femininity, and many women desire to keep them looking good throughout their lives. But sometimes, due to cancer or accidents, a woman might have to lose one or both breasts. This can be incredibly difficult for her emotionally. Imagine having something that made you feel beautiful suddenly taken away. However, there’s a way to help women in this situation—it’s called “breast reconstruction.” This is a type of surgery where new breasts are made. These reconstructed breasts can feel quite similar to real ones, giving women a sense of relief and confidence after such a difficult experience. After woman has a mastectomy, she may undergo breast reconstruction surgery to restore her breasts. Various methods exist for reconstructing the breast. Implants are used in some procedures. Others construct breasts using tissue taken from other parts of the body, such as the abdomen. The time between a mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Surgery In Kukatpally, Hyderabad can vary. Several procedures spread out over a few months can be necessary.

Breast Reconstruction Surgeon In Kukatpally, Hyderabad

Dr. Gautham reddy at Arcus clinic is really skilled at helping women with breast reconstruction in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. He is known for being one of the top Breast Reconstruction Surgeon In Kukatpally, Hyderabad. He is expert at using surgical techniques to reconstruct breasts, especially after things like cancer or accidents. People trust him because he really good at what he do and he has helped many women feel better about themselves after tough times.

Overview of breast reconstruction

Surgery to restore the breasts following a mastectomy or lumpectomy is known as breast reconstruction. On sometimes, many procedures are required for reconstruction. A wide variety of breast reconstruction procedures are available. Breast implants made of silicone or saline are used by some. Alternatively, you can utilize a flap of your own tissue, typically taken from the belly button or any other part of your body.

Immediate reconstruction refers to the process of reconstructing the breasts immediately following breast cancer surgery. Delays in reconstruction can cause it to occur months or even years after the fact. Both breasts can be surgically repaired. You also have the option of having your provider reshape or replace one of your breasts. The surgeon may advise you to have a series of surgeries. Reconstructive breast surgery following a mastectomy is an option for some, but not for others. Breast reconstruction is an incredibly individual choice.


Different kinds of breast reconstruction procedures?

After a mastectomie, patients often have one of two breast reconstruction procedures.

  • Reconstruction of flap

Flap reconstruction involves the use of autologous tissue, which is derived from the patient’s own body, to recreate a breast. It is common practice to harvest the tissue from the belly button or lower abdomen. However, it may also originate from the lower half of your body.

The surgeon may take these tissues—muscle, adipose tissue, skin, and blood vessels—to build your new breast. Medical professionals refer to this type of tissue as a flap. Surgeons may use a pedicled flap, which involves moving a flap through the patient’s body. The flap will be able to keep its own blood supply in this way. Alternatively, they might connect the free flap—a flap that is no longer attached to its blood supply—to the blood vessels in your chest.

Some of the many varieties of flap reconstruction are:

DIEP flap: The lower abdominal skin, adipose tissue, and blood arteries are removed by your healthcare professional. The underlying abdominal (belly) muscle is left intact when a DIEP flap is used.

TRAM Flap: Your healthcare professional will perform a TRAM flap, which involves removing layers of fat, skin, and muscle from the abdomen.

LD Flap: In the Latissimus dorsi (LD) flap, doctors cut away some back muscle and tissue. They bring the LD flap, which is still attached to its own blood supply, all the way to the breast region via the back.

IGAP flap: The buttocks are used as the source of tissue for this operation. There is no utilization of muscle throughout this process.

SGAP flap: anterior pinning (PAP) flap, your surgeon will cut into the inside and behind of your thigh. Your thigh muscle will not be transplanted with this treatment.

TUG Flap: Thigh augmentation using a TUG flap is quite similar to percutaneous anterior pinning (PAP) flap. Transplanting both tissue and muscle is possible using a TUG flap.

SIEA flap: SIEA flap, sometimes known as SIEP flap, is similar to a DIEP flap but makes use of other blood arteries. Providers are less likely to employ this method. Having the appropriate blood vessels for the procedure is a rare occurrence.

  • Restoring implants

Surgeons can restore lost breast tissue with implant reconstruction by placing saline or silicone implants. Implants and your own bodily tissue are sometimes used together by surgeons. In certain cases, a mastectomy may be accompanied by implant reconstruction. This operation is also an option for those who have already had a mastectomy.

Different kinds of implant restoration include:

  • Your surgeon will elevate the chest muscle and insert the implant beneath it.
  • Your implant will be placed above the chest muscle by your surgeon. Your chest muscle stay put, so you might not require as much time to heal.
  • Your surgeon will insert an expander under your skin to support your implant. The expander should be filled with saline about once weekly by either you or your healthcare professional. Over time, your skin stretches and expands. Once your skin has grown sufficiently to accommodate the implant, your surgeon will insert it.

Following a lumpectomy, oncoplastic reconstruction

Oncoplastic reconstruction could be a good option for you if you’re a candidate for lumpectomy. The decision to undergo breast conservation can be made with the assistance of your oncologic breast surgeon. A lumpectomy, though, will necessitate radiotherapy. During oncoplastic reconstruction, breast reduction or lift procedures are performed concurrently with lumpectomy by the surgeon. If a lumpectomy leaves an unsightly shape in your breasts, a breast lift or reduction can assist. If you want your breasts to look the same, you’ll have to get a lift or reduction on the other one.

Reconstructing a nipple is possible.

A subtype of mastectomy known as nipple-sparing mastectomy preserves the nipple and areola. What you see around the nipple is the areola, which is black skin. The providers can make a new nipple if that becomes required. A nipple can be created by using skin grafts, which involve transferring skin from another area of the body, or by shaping the skin on the breasts.

Inking a three-dimensional areola into one’s skin following nipple restoration is an option for some. Artists with specialized training may design tattoos that look just like an areola.

What options are available when it comes to breast reconstruction surgery?

The following factors will be considered by your provider when deciding which method is best for you:

  • You should consider your age, general health, and way of life.
  • Based on the type of mastectomy or lumpectomy you underwent and the amount of remaining tissue.
  • How many rounds of breast cancer therapies (such as radiation or chemotherapy) you may require.
  • The inability or difficulty of removing a belly flap due to previous procedures you may have undergone. Abdominal surgery is one such example.
  • Focus on your objectives and aim for the shape you desire.

What conditions might breast reconstruction help with?

Breast reconstruction is typically performed following breast cancer surgery, either to treat or prevent the disease. For patients with lost or injured breast tissue, it can be used to reconstruct the form of the breast. Restoring symmetry is another possible goal of this procedure. This ensures that the size and contour of both breasts are the same. Providers repair breast tissue due to congenital anomalies (birth deformities) on a less frequent basis.

It is natural to feel a sense of loss and grief following a mastectomy. For many, breast reconstruction surgery is the key to overcoming these intense feelings and continuing with their lives.

Process Specifics

How does breast reconstruction surgery typically proceed?

Following a mastectomy or lumpectomy, the patient undergoes breast reconstruction. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments may be necessary before breast reconstruction surgery for patients with breast cancer. Before going over your surgical alternatives, your surgeon will want to know what you hope to achieve from the procedure.

Your surgeon will start by doing a thorough evaluation. They will take pictures and measurements of your breasts. Make sure your provider is aware of your current health status, medications, and surgical history. Before the surgery, your doctor may advise you to cease using a particular drug.

How does breast reconstruction surgery work?

You will be sent to a hospital by a surgeon to have your breasts surgically repaired. By administering an anesthetic, your healthcare practitioner ensures that you will remain sleeping and pain-free throughout the surgical procedure. It is common practice for surgeons to perform a lumpectomy or mastectomy prior to any other surgical procedure.

They insert the implant into your chest if you’re undergoing implant reconstruction. A new breast is created and implanted using tissue harvested from another area of the patient during a flap operation.

A little tube called a drain may be inserted under your skin by your surgeon during surgery. The tube protrudes from your chest at one end. As you get better, the tube will drain any excess fluid or blood. When their use is no longer warranted, your healthcare provider will remove the tubes.

After breast reconstruction, what follows?

A week or more of hospitalization may be necessary following surgery. Your care team will keep an eye on you to make sure you’re getting better. An underwire bra is OK. The bra will help keep your breasts in place and minimize swelling while they recover. You will be given specific instructions by your provider on how to take care of yourself when you get home.

To alleviate postoperative discomfort, consult your healthcare professional. Medication for pain, both prescribed and available without a doctor’s visit, may be suggested. When taking medication, be sure to follow your provider’s directions to the letter.

It may need further surgery to make your breasts look identical if you’ve already had reconstruction on one of them. This might involve breast augmentation or reduction surgery.

Dangers and Advantages

When it comes to breast reconstruction, what are the benefits?

Feeling more secure in one’s own skin following a mastectomy or lumpectomy is possible with breast reconstruction surgery. Many women report an improvement in their self-esteem about clothing fit after breast reconstruction. Wearing a bikini could also make them feel more at ease.

Reconstructive breast surgery is an option that many mastectomy patients opt out of. Rather, they use a customized bra to support a prosthetic breast. Another option is for them to “go flat” and forego the use of artificial breasts altogether. Each individual must make their own unique choice.

When it comes to breast reconstruction surgery, what are the potential dangers and issues?

Breast reconstruction carries the same hazards as any other surgical operation, including the possibility of infection and bleeding. The amount of residual tissue following breast cancer surgery and radiation treatment, as well as the procedure itself, determine the final outcome.

You may find that your surgically repaired breasts are completely numb after the procedure. A partial or complete return of skin sensation is possible with time. I promise you, though, it won’t be the same.

Breast reconstruction surgery has the potential to cause complications such as:

  • The formation of blood clots. Some flap reconstruction procedures may increase the risk of these complications.
  • Distinctly shaped or sized breasts. One can be noticeably firmer than the other. Asymmetry in the areolas and nipples is possible.
  • Scarring or bruising surrounding the breasts that have been surgically repaired. Any procedure to restore the breast will result in scarring. With time, they can disappear.
  • Fatty necrosis. Loss of function of the restored tissue following flap surgery.
  • Issues including rippling, wrinkles, and implant ruptures (tears) are possible.
  • Donor site discomfort, soreness, or weakness during flap restoration. Potential donor sites can be located on the back, bottom, thigh, or lower abdomen.

Are there any additional risks associated with implants?

The extremely rare anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) may be more likely to develop in patients who have certain implants. In the US, you won’t find most of these implants anymore. Inquire with your surgeon regarding the possibility of ALCL following implant surgery.

How long will it be before I can resume my regular routine following breast restoration surgery?

Surgery recovery times can vary from patient to patient. Several factors determine how long it will take you to recuperate. Among these, the kind of the operation and your general health are important considerations.

While your body recovers, it’s best if you don’t lift heavy objects, exercise, or undertake certain activities. To find out when you can resume your normal routine, consult your healthcare professional.

Even after undergoing breast reconstruction surgery, cancer may recur. Maintain regular checks with your provider. Regular mammograms of the remaining breast are necessary for cancer screening after one breast reconstruction.

Recognizing When to See a Doctor

In regards to breast reconstruction surgery, what is the best time to visit my doctor?

Immediately notify your service provider if you experience any of the following:

  • Infection symptoms, including a high temperature.
  • Continual or excruciating pain that does not improve with medication.
  • Fluid (pus) or blood oozing out of the wounds.
  • Discoloration around the breast or incisions.

Final words

Having breast reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy or lumpectomy can do wonders for your self-esteem and perception of your body. Braid replacement is a deeply individual choice. Inquire with your surgeon about the best approach if you’re thinking about doing this procedure. Tell the truth about your aspirations, lifestyle, and ideal physical appearance. Multiple surgeries spread out over a few months can be necessary. Remember to adhere to your healthcare provider’s recuperation instructions. Notify them immediately in the event of acute pain or infection symptoms. If you want to undergo Breast Reconstruction Surgery In Kukatpally, Hyderabad contact Arcus clinic.

Before & After
1. What's the difference between immediate and delayed reconstruction?

   Immediate reconstruction rebuilds the breast right after mastectomy, while delayed reconstruction happens after full recovery from mastectomy.

2. Am I a good candidate for breast reconstruction?

Yes, you likely are, but it’s important to have a pre-analysis to determine the best technique for you. Different methods exist, like “Flap” techniques, and the most suitable one will be chosen based on your needs.

3. I need chemotherapy, can I still have this surgery?

  We’ll plan the surgery considering your chemotherapy schedule. A thorough assessment will be done to manage risks, ensuring the surgery is performed at the right time.

4. When can I return to work?

   You’ll need around 4 weeks of complete rest before resuming work.

5. How should I prepare before surgery?

   Maintain good overall health and avoid alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine. Inform the doctor about any health issues you have.

6. What precautions should I take after reconstruction?

   – Stick to these precautions after surgery:

     – Choose showers over baths and avoid swimming during recovery.

      – Avoid unnecessary arm stretching.

     – Refrain from heavy lifting or intense exercise; daily walks can aid recovery.

7. what are the benefits of breast reconstruction surgery?
  1. Improved Physical Appearance

   – It helps make the body look normal again. With the reconstructed breast, women feel like they’ve regained their beauty.

  1. Comfortable Dressing

   – After breast removal, women may struggle mentally because of the empty space, especially when they can’t wear their usual clothes. But breast reconstruction changes this.  Post-surgery, they look normal and can wear the clothes they like without discomfort.

  1. Enhanced Public Life

   – One big challenge is the emotional distress from hurtful comments in public. This might make these women avoid public life. Breast reconstruction helps restore their shape, enabling them to confidently participate in public events again.

  1. Boosted Self-Confidence

   – After the surgery, self-confidence shoots up. It becomes so strong that it can propel you to achieve great things you might have never imagined before.


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